As I look back over the past few years of homeschooling my girls, I can see change, so much change in myself. I started out being what I call a "research queen". I pretty much spent all my free time checking out and familiarizing myself with every different kind of homeschool curriculum available, reading homeschooling blogs, homeschooling books, and homeschool magazines. Not that any of those things are bad (thank you for taking time to read my homeschooling blog), but for me it was all consuming. I spent a lot of time looking into ALL my options as I wanted the very best for my children. I felt this huge weight on my shoulders, that it was entirely up to me and me alone to provide my girls with the very best education I could.
I was also very structured and rigid. Our entire day was written out on an hour by hour schedule. There was also a lot of "butting heads" with my oldest and many frustrating moments (side note: I love it when people say, "Oh I could never ever homeschool my child because we would butt heads all the time"....hello I think many homeschool parents encounter this sort of thing). I was trying to be in control of everything!! The Lord began showing me how I needed to release things to Him and not try and micro-manage and stress over all the day to day details. I needed to put my trust in God completely, especially in the area of homeschooling. He began to show me how to "Step Off The Beaten Path" and focus on the unique goals and vision He was calling me to in homeschooling, not a formula or a standard that our world says education should be and look like. I began to slowly let go of the control, the expectations, the worry, and trying to imitate what I thought it needed to look like.
So homeschool mom, are you trusting, truly trusting the Lord as you homeschool? Is He ultimately in control or are you? Are you doing things to please man or God? Are you worried about impressing others or doing things to "prove" you can successfully homeschool your kids? Are you constantly trying to micro manage everyone and everything? Is there alot of tension, frustration, and stress in your home? Are you always on the look out for the "perfect" curriculum for your family, but can't ever seem to find it? It doesn't have to be that way!
If I had to put into one word what I want 2013 to be about it would be: TRUST!! I pray that in 2013 there would be freedom, joy and TRUST in your homeschooling journey!
Trust God with the bigger things and focus more on enjoying the little things this year! The moments when your child crawls in bed for an early morning snuggle, the laughter you hear from the other room, putting on a tea party and inviting some friends over (I have girls so this is what we do!), listening as your child goes on and on and on about something, sweet hugs and kisses, reading God's word to your kids or better yet hearing them read it to you for the first time, seeing your child humble themselves and ask for forgiveness, running to greet daddy when he gets home from work, seeing the light bulb come on for your child as they finally grasp something you have been teaching them! There are so many precious little moments in the day to grab ahold of and enjoy!
Focus on relationship and discipleship above anything else! Give yourself permission to relax! Ask the Lord to show you how to reach the heart of your child who you have struggles with and seem to clash with. Seek to understand more clearly the direction, vision, and goals the Lord would have you to focus on with your children. There is no cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all approach to choose above all else to trust the Lord in whatever He may be calling you to do or not to do in 2013!
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