Monday, August 11, 2014

Candida Cleanse - Week 5

I have met a few families or individuals over the years who didn't/don't consume refined sugar (or if they do it's very little).  I use to wonder two things: why and how??  Why would anyone not want some sweetness in their life and what is wrong with sugar anyways?  I thought they were very "strange" people!  (I use to think runners were crazy too but hey I've joined in on the craziness).  It may have taken me far to long to catch on, but I can honestly now say, "I get it!!"

So, reducing refined sugar, is the little tidbit I want to share this week for improving health.  Refined sugar, an ingredient that you will find in so many foods beyond cookies, candy, and ice cream, is more detrimental than most realize.  There is a very long list of health issues linked to refined sugar....including cancer. 

The average adult in the United States takes in 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day, or a whopping 150 pounds a year, while teens pile in 34 teaspoons a day.  The American Heart Association recommends 6 teaspoons of sugar for women and 9 for men (1 teaspoon of sugar has about 4g of sugar). 

I could write an entire blog post on all the ways sugar can and is ruining the health of so many peoples lives, but instead I will provide you with a few good resources: "Toxic Sugar", "141 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health", "The Most Toxic Food You Can Eat", "Organic Authority", "Is Sugar Toxic? ".

So my encouragement for anyone who wants to take steps to reduce sugar intake would be to start reading labels.  As much as possible, choose the option which doesn't have added sugar.  Also remember 4 grams = 1 teaspoon of sugar.  If you want to limit your intake to 24 grams or 6 teaspoons of sugar per day (for females) then you might want to think twice about that can of soda that contains 43 grams of sugar!! (There is always the option of water!)


I know...but it tastes SOOOOOOOOOOOO good!  Well there are many natural sweeteners that you can use in place of refined sugar such as: stevia, organic raw honey, yacon syrup, maple syrup, organic black strap molasses, coconut palm sugar, dates and organic brown rice syrup.

To watch a great video on overcoming sugar addiction, click here.

Now onto week 5 of the Candida Cleanse...

After doing the spit test 3 days in a row, it was apparent that my spit is still sinking to the bottom.  This is a huge indicator of candida overgrowth and one reason I started doing the candida cleanse in the first place.  It felt a little disappointing but I know it's a process and I am committed to seeing this through to the end.  I have to trust the journey.   

I am starting my 3rd time around on a 16 day anti-fungal rotation.  Once I am finished, I will move onto phase 2 of the cleanse.  So instead of a 6 week cleanse, this might be an 8 week or even 10 week cleanse.  I'm ok with that!  I have moments here and there where I really want to eat something sweet...I will usually make me some Coconut Almond Balls or Coconut flour lemon cake (both candida friendly recipes)

Cheers to health!  Remember it's a process but it starts with one simple change, then another, and another over the course of days, weeks, months, and years.  What change are you going to make today for your health?

Here are the links if you missed my previous posts for the Candida Cleanse series: Intro, Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 and Week 4.
*I am an affiliate for some of the links included in this blog series, which means, if you click on them and make a purchase, I will receive a commission.

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1 comment:

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