This week in our Expedition Earth studies we "Travelled" to Russia (the European side). However, we started our week out throwing an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Party and inviting all our friends!
We had so much fun and ended up with about 45 boxes all together!!
With the geography they began with stamping their passports and finding that tiny little country on the was so hard to find because it's so little. Just kidding!! Russia is the largest country in the world. It is so big that a train ride across the country takes a full week, a plane trip takes about 10 hours, and the country is divided into 11 time zones.
The girls practiced writing their names, "Hello" and "Thank you" in Russian!
They colored a flag of Russia.
They put together their animal mini-books which included: the Russian Desman, Wolverine, Musk Deer, European Mink, Monk Seal, and Lemming. Than they added the animals to their wall classification chart.
They also added the "Russia" label to our Continents poster. The first one in our stop in Europe!
They also did a craft to add to their MissionaryKeepsake boxes. Last week we read about Lottie Moon. She was a very generous person and was a "light" for God in China! The girls made a sun, moon, and star to help remind them to be a "light" too!
Other things we did this week:
- Learned a Russian Song
- Listened to a Tchaikovsky - Nutcracker song.
- Read about a child from Russia
- Learned about the many ecosystems in Russia: Tundra's, Plains, Peninsula's, and Swamps
- Prayed for the people of Russia
- Watched YouTube videos of Russian Children Dancing, Singing, and famous guitarist, Anna Likhachev!
Well "Spasibo" for checking out this blog. Next stop is the United Kingdom!
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The doodles on your Russian writing page are really nice!