Wow...2013 is right around the corner!! How is it that the older you get the faster time flies by? I had a tradition for many years of sitting down and writing out a list of new years resolutions/goals. I haven't done this in awhile. I do believe there is something very significant about reflecting on the year you just completed and having a vision for the year ahead. We are not meant to remain, to be stagnant, to stay stuck...there is always room for growth, change, and newness to unfold in our lives!
Last December, I can clearly remember feeling so relieved to be leaving 2011 in the past and entering 2012. It truly felt like a new beginning, a fresh start, a blank slate.
I was wounded, hurting, weak, and had gone through most of 2011 with an unbearable weight of burdens, pain, and heartache on my shoulders. 2012 couldn't come fast enough and when it did...I felt thankful, relieved, and excited for the new year. And what a wonderful year it has been!
Did you know God is a God of new beginnings, fresh starts, and blank slates? Well He is...He really, really is!
He can take old, dirty, worn down, broken, dark and rusted and exchange it for something new, clean, whole, and shining! He can take sorrow and bring joy. He can take filth and wash it white as snow. He can take defeat and bring triumph. He can take hopelessness and bring joy. He can take our failures and turn them into successes. He can and does bring life to the emptiest of places!
It's funny how last year I couldn't wait for a new year and now as 2012 comes to and end I am soaking up every minute I can, wishing 2013 could hold off for just a bit longer.
I am thankful for so much in 2012! A God who heard, who moved, who transformed, who blessed, who strengthened, who challenged, and who made me new! But I know there is even more God has for me in the coming year!
Here is to a new year! I pray 2013 is full of newness in your life. New friendships, new experiences, new opportunities, new successes, new attitudes, new perspective, new vision, new miracles, new discoveries, and new beginnings!
For all you homeschooling moms, I also pray a fresh and new perspective with homeschooling. If this past year has been a challenge, an adjustment, a chore and day to day homeschooling felt overwhelming, stressful, and full of frustration....I pray 2013 would be full of peace and purpose and passion!
**photos were taken from Pinterest

I'm where you were a year ago, 2012 can't get over fast enough for me. Praying 2013 is a year of good health and healing for my family among many other things.
ReplyDeleteMelissa, Praying the same for your 2013 and for sweet Andy!! Excited you get to come to the ladies retreat!
DeleteMy daughter home schools, and reads you all the time. I am so inspired for her and for my grand children just reading your blog. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWell thank you so much for your sweet comment! Blessings to you, your daughter, and your grandchldren!!