Life is busy and sometimes days turn into weeks, or months, and you realize you haven't really connected with the people in your life you care the most about. Although I don't know each one of you personally, I care about you as a precious mom and person! I know all to well the demands, responsibilities, struggles, challenges, and worries that come with being a mom.
I wish I could sit and chat over a cup of tea and hear about all the details of your life, how homeschooling is going, how things are in your marriage, and how you personally are doing!
I'd love to chat for a few minutes, and share some of the different things going on in my life...
Is your spring as crazy as mine? Are you looking forward to summer?
Speech - Around the end of last year I had been feeling like speech therapy might be something beneficial for my youngest daughter. She was going to turn 3 at the end of December and so I waited until that time came and went to pursue this option. I inquired with many other moms, wanting feedback from those who had a child do speech therapy. I got all sorts of responses, some encouraging me to have her evaluated, while many others suggested I wait and give it more time. I wrestled with my options but in the end went with that "motherly instinct" and began making phone calls. The different calls led me to a gal named Kelly, a speech therapist, who comes to you!!
We scheduled an evaluation appointment, which went really well! I felt such peace that this was the direction I needed to go. The only I wasn't sure how we could afford the additional cost of bi-weekly sessions. I was feeling very discouraged, wishing money wasn't an issue. The Lord provided a way parents offered to pay for 4 months of speech therapy!!
So Kelly, or "teacher" as my daughter calls her, comes every other week for an hour session. I am so thankful for Kelly and all her knowledge and the tools she is incorporating to help my daughter pronounce her sounds the "new way" rather than the "old way". She is full of energy, fun, and constantly praising her for her achievements!
Maybe speech therapy isn't something you are looking into for a child, but are there things on your heart for your children? Perhaps something you want to provide them with but you don't know how? Have you seen God's provision recently for a need you had?

This morning, as I was running, I past a gal who was walking, running, reminded of myself last summer. As I approached her I simply said, "You are doing great! I was doing exactly what you are doing last summer and ran my first half marathon in December. Keep it up!" and she responded with, "Thanks so much, I needed that!"
You may not be a fan of running, but have you set any goals for this year? Are you making progress towards reaching those goals? Keep it up!!!
Small blessings - I received an email a few weeks ago from my homeschool co-op. They were forwarding on information from a gal seeking part-time childcare for her 14 month old daughter. I did not know this family personally but felt prompted to respond. I have considered childcare over the years as an option to help bring in some extra income but the opportunity has never really presented itself...until now! We have emailed back and forth, getting many of our questions answered, and met each others families in person. They even came to check out our homeschool co-op, since I will be bringing their daughter with us. Starting Monday, I will have this precious small blessing in our home for a few hours every day!
What small or big blessings are you thankful for?
Something "New" - In January, I became a published columnist for the Valley Bugler newspaper. I do a monthly homeschool surprising huh!! It's been a fun adventure and opportunity. Here is a description of the paper taken from their Facebook page: "The Valley Bugler Newspaper is dedicated on bringing the community together with GOOD News. Each monthly issue is full of inspirational stories, interesting articles by LOCAL columnist, contributors, and businesses, monthly features, community events, jokes, puzzles, and all of the LOCAL information that we can fit in each and every month! Fun and safe for the whole family to read! Approximately 14,000 issues printed each month and circulated throughout 4 counties and growing!"
Any new opportunities for you?
Praying you are enjoying this new season upon us, hoping your school year is going well, and most of all that you are finding joy in the midst of each day and seeing God's blessings and provisions for you and your family!
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Thanks for sharing sweet friend, love "catching" up!! You are always a blessing to me!
ReplyDeleteAnd you are a blessing to me!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing! We are winding school down as well. I ordered most of our things from Queens and a few extras, for next year. :)Working on some spring cleaning, and anxious for planting some flowers! Have some organizing projects planned.... love Pinterest for that!
ReplyDeleteSo good to hear that you found a speech therapist that you love! Doesn't it feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders! I know that I felt that way. :)
Yes LeAnna, so thankful to have found a great speech therapist!! So glad you were able to get your Queens Order placed. I am holding off because they are coming out with an art program that I want to buy! Enjoy planting some flowers!!