Math has been a difficult & challenging subject for my 2nd grader. Math time meant either my daughter in tears, me in tears, or me sending her to her room for a bad attitude.
Over the last few years I have given several different curriculum's a try, but each time the results were the same, frustration and tears. A while back I had come across a math curriculum called Math Lessons for a Living Education (once on website click on "Math Lessons" on left side of screen). I loved everything about it and that it followed the Charlotte Mason approach!! Only book 1 had been released at the time, which would have been too easy for my oldest, but the perfect skill level for my middle one. I ordered it and have been using it daily with dd2. I noticed my dd1 wanting to listen in and be involved but when it came time to do her own math there was lots of resistance. I was so thankful when I got the news that book 2 was released!! I ordered it right away and so far she is loving it and asking to do more!
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Book 1 for ages 4-6 |
This book is written to be used by you and your young child together. It is the story of twin brother and sister who are visiting their grandparents’ farm. They soon learn that the farm is full of learning opportunities! As you read their story, your child will be drawn into the adventure along with the twins. They will learn about numbers, shapes, place value, adding and subtracting. They will also learn about gardening, baby animals on the farm, nature and the love of family. They will hear exciting stories from Grandpa and Grandma, and they will be invited to join the twins on their living math adventures. I hope you have a grand time on this adventure. Below is an explanation of how this book is laid out. It is meant to be easy to use and something your children will want to do everyday. Have a wonderful time exploring and learning! This 300 page consumable volume is spiral bound to lay comfortably flat for the right or left handed student, complete with cut-out manipulative's. Everything you need to teach math for an entire year! 36 weeks' worth of lessons.
Scope & Sequence
Lesson 1 The Adventure Begins, We Learn Numbers 0-9
Lesson 2 How Many Eggs? Review of Numbers 0-9
Lesson 3 A Bed for Pokey (Introducing Rectangles)
Lesson 4 Circles and Patterns
Lesson 5 Review of Concepts
Lesson 6 More Numbers, Patterns, Shapes, Introducing Triangles
Lesson 7 Learning to Count with Bigger Numbers, Introducing Place Value
Lesson 8 More Work with Place Value
Lesson 9 Review of Concepts
Lesson 10 Place Value, Patterns of 10s
Lesson 11 Practice with Patterns and Shapes
Lesson 12 Introducing the + Symbol
Lesson 13 Addition +1
Lesson 14 Writing and Adding Numbers, Introducing the Days of the Week
Lesson 15 More About Addition (Vertical Addition)
Lesson 16 More Addition, Introducing Squares
Lesson 17 Two by Two (Introducing Skip Counting by 2s)
Lesson 18 Number Families, Addition to Tens
Lesson 19 Counting by 10
Lesson 20 Addition of Hundreds
Lesson 21 Solving for an Unknown
Lesson 22 Counting by 5s
Lesson 23 Tally Marks
Lesson 24 Addition: Making 10
Lesson 25 Skip Count to find Area (?)
Lesson 26 Telling Time with Minutes
Lesson 27 TellingTime with Hours
Lesson 28 Telling Time with Minutes and Hours
Lesson 29 Subtraction Intro to symbol
Lesson 30 Subtraction -1
Lesson 31 Review of Shapes
Lesson 32 Review of Place Value
Lesson 33 Review of addition
Lesson 34 Review of skip counting 2’s and 5’s
Lesson 35 Review of skip counting 10’s and tally marks
Lesson 36 Numbers to 100![]() |
Book 2 for ages 6-8 |
This book is written to be used by you and your child together. It is the continuing story of Charlie and Charlotte, who are learning that life is full of learning opportunities! As you read their story, your child will be drawn into the adventure along with the twins. They will learn about numbers, shapes, place value, adding and subtracting. They will also learn about the seasons, geography and the love of family. They will be invited to join the twins on their living math adventures. I hope you have a grand time on this adventure. This book is meant to be easy to use and something your children will want to do everyday.
To put it simply, we don’t do grade levels; they are man-made, artificial, and vary from curriculum to curriculum. We believe in skill levels instead. When a child has mastered one thing, he is ready to move to the next thing. This goes for all people, not just children. When was the last time someone asked you what grade level cookbook you use, or at what grade level do you keep your checkbook? Better yet, are you “behind” in housekeeping skills? See how silly that sounds? We don’t do this to each other as adults; why should we do it to our children? This math series follows skill level. Therefore, you will not find any inference to grades.
Scope and Sequence
To put it simply, we don’t do grade levels; they are man-made, artificial, and vary from curriculum to curriculum. We believe in skill levels instead. When a child has mastered one thing, he is ready to move to the next thing. This goes for all people, not just children. When was the last time someone asked you what grade level cookbook you use, or at what grade level do you keep your checkbook? Better yet, are you “behind” in housekeeping skills? See how silly that sounds? We don’t do this to each other as adults; why should we do it to our children? This math series follows skill level. Therefore, you will not find any inference to grades.
Scope and Sequence
Lesson 1: Place Value Village, Telling Time, Shapes and Patterns
Lesson 2: Addition - Horizontal and Vertical, Shapes
Lesson 3: Subtraction
Lesson 4: Writing Numbers to 100, Simple Fractions
Lesson 5: Introducing Word Problems
Lesson 6: Skip Counting by Using Dimes and Nickels, Minutes on the Clock
Lesson 7: Skip Counting by 2, Review Even and Odd Numbers
Lesson 8: Addition - Double Digit Plus Single Digit
Lesson 9: Addition - Double Digit Plus Double Digit
Lesson 10: Addition Review - All Concepts Learned
Lesson 11: Introducing Measurement - Inches/Feet, Review Time and Shapes
Lesson 12: Introducing Perimeter
Lesson 13: Telling Time to the Minute
Lesson 14: Place Value Village Practice - Place Value to the Thousand’s Place
Lesson 15: More Work with Subtraction
Lesson 16: Introducing Addition with Carrying to the Ten’s Place
Lesson 17: Introducing Subtraction with Borrowing from the Ten’s Place
Lesson 18: Review of Regrouping Concepts
Lesson 19: Understanding Dollars and Cents - Writing Money
Lesson 20: Review - Money
Lesson 21: Introducing Thermometers and Other Gauges
Lesson 22: Reading Bar Graphs and Line Graphs
Lesson 23: More on Measurement - Pounds and Ounces
Lesson 24: More Measurement Concepts - Gallons, Quarts, Pints, Cups
Lesson 25: Review of Measurement
Lesson 26: Adding Money - No Regrouping
Lesson 27: Subtracting Money - Making Change
Lesson 28: More Work with Word Problems
Lesson 29: More Work with Telling Time
Lesson 30: More Work with Measurement
Lesson 31: Review of Place Value Through the Thousand’s Place
Lesson 32: Review of Word Problems - the Steps of Solving
Lesson 33: Review of Adding and Subtracting - Double Digit Problems
Lesson 34: Review of Money Concepts
Lesson 35: Review of Time and Temperature
Lesson 36: Review of Addition and Subtraction Fact Families
Another thing I need to remember (and maybe you do to?) is that my child is still very young. If I need to set the math up on the shelf for a few's OK! It's not worth all the tears and frustration. Math can be fun!
Here are some other ideas for doing living math!
Living Math Ideas
Living Math Books
Jimmies Collage

Stories can be a great way to learn things; what a nice approach to beginning math!